The Gift of Time- #WDYS

Image credit; Adrien King @ Unsplash

Aeons ago, it was said that the Supreme Creator had created humans as one of his greatest creations. In his infinite wisdom, he had instructed the humans to ask the other Gods and Goddesses for their blessings, before leaving for their Earthly abode.

Marvelling over the fine specimen that was mankind, the mighty deities showered their gifts as they were approached by humans- abundant wealth, great victory, immense beauty, intellect and free-will…

Assured of a grand terrestrial life, having cinched the blessings of such powerful beings, man and woman prepared for their upcoming travel.

At the edge, they were stopped by the Mistress of Time, a grey haired lady with a serene expression. Intangible in nature, man hadn’t sought time, convinced that they could reach the pinnacle of success with the gifts they had been blessed with. Nevertheless, she came to wish them on their new journey.

“May you be the candle that shines the brightest in your world, made capable with all the blessings bestowed upon you, so that you may achieve all that you desire..” she crooned.
Left unsaid was, ‘May time be the wind that snuffs out the candle’s light when the sands of time run out..’

When the Supreme Creator enquired whether she felt slighted, she simply smiled and relayed, “No being should have the fortune of enjoying all our gifts. Besides, forever can be a curse rather than a blessing.”

The Mistress’s foresight had saved the balance of the Universe. Unlimited time and unrestricted power could have become a heady temptation for the mortals in the long run.
Thus, man came to the world blessed with great potential, yet with a finite time to realize it.

Written for Sadje’s What Do You See #51 and Eugi’s Weekly Prompt– Foresight.

Other prompts: #FOWC– Intangible; #YDWP– Cinch; #RDP– Mighty; Daily Spur– Forever

© 2020, Cozy Quiet Corner. All rights reserved.

32 thoughts on “The Gift of Time- #WDYS

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  1. Wow, love the combination of the prompts into one amazing story! 👏🏼👏🏼

    Also, I’m catching up with your blog btw. You sure have a penchant for writing awesome stories!

    Liked by 1 person

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